Português English

Dissertação de Andrei Costa

Detalhes do Evento

Aluno: Andrei Costa
Profª. Drª. Leila Ribeiro
Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Machado

Título: Evolution of Negative Application Conditions on Second-Order Graph Rewriting
Linha de Pesquisa:
Fundamentos da Computação

Data: 24/05/2019
Hora: 08h30
Local: Prédio 43412 – Sala 215 (sala de videoconferência) – Instituto de Informática UFRGS

Banca Examinadora:
Prof. Dr. Álvaro Freitas Moreira – UFRGS
Profª. Drª. Simone da Costa Cavalheiro – UFPel
Prof. Dr. André Grahl Pereira – UFRGS

Presidente da Banca: Profª. Drª. Leila Ribeiro

Abstract: Graph grammars are a well suitable formalism to modeling computational systems. This formalism is based on rules and data-driven transformations capable to simulate real systems. Moreover the use of graphs allows an intuitive visual interface essential for the modeler. A very important step on system analysis is evolution, which can be a small as a refactoring or a great interface change. The formalization of these evolution processes in graph grammars is done via higher-order principles, which allows programmed higher-level rules to induce modifications on lower-level rules, the system rules. In this work, we extend the current framework of higher-order transformations for graph grammars in order to allow the evolution of rules with negative application conditions. Besides this extension, we provide the first working implementation of the whole framework of higher-order graph grammars in the Verigraph tool enabling the practical usage of this techniques

Keywords: Graph Transformations, Higher-Order Graph Grammars, Negative Application Conditions, Critical Pairs Analysis.