
Latest news:

Stéfano got his Master!

ERAD 2010 in Passo Fundo.

Mission in Berlin.

João Lima has been accepted in PhD.



Compiler Podcasts (in Portuguese)

During the first semester of 2009, I have started live recordings of my lectures, so that my students may listen to them through podcasting.

If you want to sign up the podcast program, just cut and paste the following URL into your favorite podcast reader: If you prefer, click here to have direct access to the MP3 files.

Slides of my lecture on Compilers

You may find below part of my slides on Compilers (in Portuguese). These documents are updated each semester, and the latest version always can be found at Moodle, with much more material.

  1. Scanning
  2. Contex-Free Grammars
  3. Top-Down parsing and LL
  4. Bottom-up parsing and Yacc
  5. Code generation: expressions, arrays
  6. Run-time
  7. Compilers and scripting linguages

Compiler Project

in 2008/2, I have included a project in my Course: the students have to devise a very small compiler, based on Lex/Yacc. Each step of the project forces them to revise and implement one of the parts of the compiler.

In order to have an idea, you may access the specification of Pico and download and have a look at the test-cases.

Fri Apr 02 16:48:12 -0300 2010