Grenoble, France

Past Software

This is a list of some software projects I was involved with. Note that some links might be broken here.
The list of current software is available here.

Triva Visualization Tool

Triva, scalable visualization of performance traces for grids, clouds, P2P and MPI

Triva is a visualization tool for the analysis of traces from distributed systems. The tool relies on the Pajé Simulator to create and analyze new visualization techniques to understand the behavior that is registered on the traces. Triva is also a research tool, serving as a sandbox to the validation of our ideas in terms of trace visualization. Some visualization techniques developed in Triva are the squarified treemap, and the configurable graph. The tool has its own website for additional information.

Paje Visualization Tool

Paje, a generic trace visualization tool for parallel and distributed application analysis

Pajé is an interactive and scalable trace-based visualization tool which can be used for a large variety of visualizations including performance monitoring of parallel applications, monitoring the execution of processors in a large scale PC cluster or representing the behavior of distributed applications.


This library intends to trace MPI applications using the lite tracing facilities from libRastro. For this, the library header must be included in every file that contains MPI calls. The library generates one trace for every MPI process. In the end of the program execution, all files are integrated and converted to the Pajé Visualization Tool using DIMVisual.

DIMVisual, libPaje and libGenericEvent

DIMVisual stands for Data Integration Model for Visualization. The implementation allows the integration of information to the analysis of parallel application behavior. If you have an parallel application with low performance and want to find out what is the problem you can use this project to integrate traces of your application with metrics collected by monitoring tools that you might be already using. This project intends to show an integrated visualization of this information.

libPaje is a library developed in GNUstep environment and is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The library intends to provide a better way to generate trace files for Paje Visualization Tool. It can be used to create conversion tools from other format to Paje trace file format.

libGenericEvent is a library developed in GNUstep environment and is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The library intends to provide a generic way to read trace files. It can be used to generate generic events from trace libraries like MPE, Kaapi, etc.