Trip from Porto Alegre to Bento Gonçalves

The event organization will offer a free transfer service to the event's place on February 5 at 14:00 and 18:00 hours. Transfer will departure from the airport of Porto Alegre. A transfer is also offered to return to Porto Alegre after the event, on february 10 at 11:30 and 14:00 hours.

In case you are going to use the free transfer service, most of the information in this page will not be relevant to you. Useful information are hotels in Porto Alegre, if you desire to stay on the city before or after the event; and the contact information of the Villa Michelon Hotel where the event will take place, in case of any emergency.

Next, we offer some useful information for those who cannot use the transfer service offered by the organization, for being absent on available departure times, and who must travel independently to Bento Gonçalves.

Bento Gonçalves does not have an airport, thus you must land on Porto Alegre and proceed by bus to the event's city. Some intercity busses are available from the Porto Alegre's bus station ("Rodoviaria") to Bento Gonçalves. Next, we describe how to purchase bus tickets and how to travel through the main locations.

Buying tickets

After landing in Porto Alegre, you shall buy your tickets to Bento Gonçalves in the ticket store located in the airport (store number 18B). The ticket store is open from 8:00 to 21:00 hours.

The departure time of the bus will depend on the day and time of your arrival to Porto Alegre. The departure times of the busses are in the next table. You should prefer the highlighted in bold, because they have the smallest travel time and they go straight to Bento Gonçalves with no intermediate stops. If you take a "semi-direto" bus, you must pay attention to get off the bus at Bento Gonçalves bus station. Note that some departure times are only available on specific days of the week.

It is important to mention that Porto Alegre bus station is far away from the airport. Thus, you shall buy a ticket that gives you enough time to travel to the bus station. For example, the taxi trip takes about 20 minutes.

If you forget to buy the bus ticket at the airport or the ticket store is closed, you can buy your ticket directly at the bus station. You shall address to the intercity ticket store in the bus station, it is always open.

Generally, busses have a low demand on weekdays. Thus, do not worry about buying tickets before the day you will use them.

Travel from the airport to the bus station ("Rodoviária")

The easiest way to travel from the airport to the bus station is by taxi. Taxis are located at the exit close to the arrival area, on the lower level of the airport. Just request to the driver that you would like to go to the bus station ("Rodoviária"). The trip should cost R$ 25 top. It is a simple route as you can see in the map at the left side of this page.

See Google Maps.

Another option is to use the metro. It is a surface metro and it is known as "TrensUrb" (Urban Trains). Porto Alegre airport has two terminals. The metro is near to Terminal 2. You only have to cross the avenue through the pedestrian crossbridge. If you travel with Webjet or Azul companies, you probably landed on Terminal 2. Everybody else shall arrive to Terminal 1 that is 1 km away. An easy way to move between terminals is with the circular free bus service of Infraero (See picture below). The bus departs with an approximated frequency of 15 minutes on the lower level of Terminal 1. At the metro station, you must buy a ticket for R$1.70 and take the metro heading to the Central Market ("Mercado Central"). You shall get off the metro at the "Rodoviaria" station, the third station from the airport.

Travel from the Bento Gonçalves bus station to the Villa Michelon Hotel

The best method to go to the Villa Michelon Hotel is by taxi. Request to be adressed to Villa Michelon Hotel at RS-444 road, Km 18. Pay atention and request to reset the taximeter before the ride begins. The ride cost is about R$ 27. The travel takes from 15 to 20 minutes and goes by a road outside of the urban area.

Stay in Porto Alegre

In the case you need to spend a night in Porto Alegre, due to flight delays or any other reason that delays your travel to Bento Gonçalves, we suggest some hotels in Porto Alegre.

Hostel Casa Azul

R. General Lima e Silva, 912 - Fone: +55 51 3084 5050

Quartos coletivos a partir de R$30.

Hotel Coral Tower Express

Av. Getúlio Vargas, 318 - Fone: +55 51 3226 5536

Quartos single a partir de R$110.

Ritter Hotéis

Lrg. Vespasiano Julio Veppo, 55 - Fone: +55 51 3228 4044

Quartos single a partir de R$150. Hotel localiza-se em frente à Rodoviária de Porto Alegre.

Master Express Cidade Baixa

R. Sarmento Leite, 865 - Fone: +55 51 3018 3636

Quartos single a partir de R$150.

Blue Tree Towers Porto Alegre

Av. Coronel Lucas de Oliveira, 995 - Fone: +55 51 3019 8000

Quartos single a partir de R$290.

Contact information of Villa Michelon Hotel

In case of any emergency, please take note of the contact information of the hotel where the event is going to take place:

Hotel Villa Michelon

RS 444 - Km 18,9 - Bento Gonçalves - RS

Fone: +55 54 2102 1800

Fone (apenas dentro do Brasil, ligação gratuita): 0800 703 3800


Operations research challenges in an evolving world

5-10 February 2012.

Vale dos Vinhedos - Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brazil.