Português English
Publicado em: 02/10/2009

Palestra com o professor Olivier Bonnaud sobre microeletrônica

Quinta-feira, dia 1 de Outubro, as 9:30
Local: Auditorio José Mauro Volkmer de Castilho (auditório verde)

Title: Microelectronics and microsensors based on thin film transistor technologies

by prof. Olivier BONNAUD

Professor at University of Rennes 1 and Supelec Rennes, Director of Microelectronics Group Director of Common Center of Microelectronics of West Director of Doctoral Studies in Rennes

This presentation gives an overview of the activities of the research Microelectronics Groupe of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunicartions of Rennes.
On the base of thin film transistor technologies developed during the last 20 years, and thanks to the control of microfabrication of suspended membranes and cantilevers, a new generic device is born, a suspended gate thin film transistor. Combination of TFT based circuits and generic microstructures lead to a new family of devices acting as sensors and able to detect many types of species (gases, chemical particules, biocells, DNA, etc) with a very high senstitivity.
The presentation deals with the different approaches and several types of results obtained with these devices. An improvement of the devices and sensors has oriented the research towards 3D TFT similarly to up- to-date SOI tecnnologies. Some deytails on this new structure will conclude the presentation.

As 10:30 no mesmo anfiteatro teremos a palestra do prof. Amara Amara do ISEP, Paris