Português English

Dissertação de Mestrado de Nicolau Oyhenard dos Santos

Detalhes do Evento

Aluno: Nicolau Oyhenard dos Santos
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Mara Abel

Título: O3PO: a domain ontology for semantic interoperability for petroleum production plants
Linha de Pesquisa: Aprendizado de Máquina, Representação de Conhecimento e Raciocínio

Data: 31/03/2023
Horário: 09h30min (BRT Brasília Time)
Local: Esta banca ocorrerá em inglês de forma híbrida (virtual e presencial), na Sala 215 do Prédio 43412 do Instituto de Informática/UFRGS e pelo link: https://mconf.ufrgs.br/webconf/00006784  .

Banca Examinadora:
– Prof. Dr. David Bruce Cameron (Universidade de Oslo – UiO)
– Prof. Dr. Ismael Humberto Ferreira dos Santos (CENPES/PETROBRAS)
– Prof. Dr. Joel Luís Carbonera  (UFRGS)

Presidente da Banca: Profa. Dra. Mara Abel

Abstract: Integrating data from multiple sources remains a persistent challenge in various business industries, including the petroleum sector. The upstream petroleum sector’s technological advancements have resulted in silos of information from various service providers, leading to a waste of time trying to locate data within disparate databases. To address this challenge, we present the Offshore Petroleum Production Plant Ontology (O3PO), a domain ontology designed to represent entities in offshore petroleum production plants. We have provided a clear and well-defined reference vocabulary to help professionals in the engineering and information technology fields label and link production plant monitoring, simulation measurements, and facilities. This ontology is based on a comprehensive compilation of industry-specific requirements, such as use cases and competency questions. Our ontology builds upon middle-level ontologies such as GeoCore and the Industry Ontology Foundry’s (IOF) core ontology while adhering to the BFO top-level ontology. We have also sourced and integrated additional resources, including industry-specific glossaries and relevant ontologies, to construct this comprehensive domain ontology. This resulted in a robust domain ontology that offers universal concepts, defined classes, and relationships that can be applied in various domains. The validity of our domain ontology has been demonstrated through data analysis from an offshore oil field in Brazil, where we have successfully demonstrated its practical applications in a real-world setting.

Keywords: Applied ontology. Semantic interoperability. Petroleum. Production plants.