Português English
Published on October 19, 2022

PPGC maintains maximum grade in CAPES assessment

The Graduate Program in Computing at UFRGS has a grade 7 from CAPES.

CAPES assesses the Post-Graduate Program in Computing (PPGC) at UFRGS with the highest score. For nine years, the PPGC maintains the grade 7 on a scale of 1 to 7. The maintenance of the maximum score indicates the maturity of the Program and its international-level excellence.

CAPES is responsible for preparing, evaluating, monitoring, and coordinating activities related to Higher Education. Every three years, CAPES assesses the Academic Master’s, Professional Master’s, and Doctoral courses, which are part of the Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação (SNPG). The results of this process, scored from 1 to 7, support the deliberation of the Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE/MEC) on which courses will still be “recognized” for the subsequent quadrennium.

In summary, scores 1 and 2 imply the de-accreditation of the course and its diplomas. Scores from 3 to 5 qualify a program as regular, good, and very good, respectively. Scores 6 and 7 express excellence verified at an international level, but only programs that have doctoral courses can obtain the maximum grades.

Congratulations to all professors and students of PPGC for their contribution to science and social impact, whose research reaches the entire academic Community.

Fonte: CAPES