Graphics, Visualization and Interaction Lab
  Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
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HCHCI - Haptic Communication for Human-computer Interaction


Project Summary

The sense of touch is a rich communication channel between humans when closely located. However, tactile languages must still be developed to offer expressive communication in virtual environments and telecommunication environments. We explore perception and actuation mechanisms to provide methods and patterns to a new generation of haptic interfaces.





The Invisible Enemy: Playing with Vibrotactile Guidance on a Head-mounted Display (SVR 2016)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J., BRAYDA, L., NEDEL, L., MACIEL, A.


Do Not Guess It, Just Feel It: Experiencing Vibrotactile Guidance on a Head-mounted Display (EUROHAPTICS 2016)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J., NEDEL, L., MACIEL, A., BRAYDA, L.


Proactive Haptic Articulation for Intercommunication in Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DUI 2016)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J., NEDEL, L., MACIEL, A.


Tactile Interface for Navigation in Underground Mines (SVR 2014)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J., MARQUES, E., PERONI, R. de L. and MACIEL, A.


Assessment of Tactile Languages as Navigation Aid in 3D Environments (EUROHAPTICS 2014)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J. and MACIEL, A.


Introducing the Modifier Tactile Pattern for Vibrotactile Communication (EUROHAPTICS 2014)
Authors: OLIVEIRA, V. A. de J. and MACIEL, A.




(download is free for academic purposes; please cite our works above). Material is copyrighted and some methods have a patent pending.

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This project is funded by CNPq-Brazil through grants 305071/2012-2, XX and other scholarships.


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The CGIP group is part of the Department of Applied Infotmatics.
Last updated in Oct 14th, 2016.