Computer Graphics and Image Processing Group
  Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
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Risk Perception in Virtual Environments

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Project Summary

Risk analysis is an important application for virtual environments. Specialists in safety of the work place wish to assess the ability of workers to detect dangers in VE. In this project we investigate how current VR techniques can be adapted to provide a suitable level of presence for users of a risk perception simulator. The project involves the design of alternative interface devices and techniques. A number of user tests are being performed to evaluate new approaches and validade the system.







JORGE, VITOR ; Nedel, Luciana ; Maciel, Anderson ; OLIVEIRA, JACKSON ; FARIA, FREDERICO . AES-risk: An environment for simulation of risk perception. In: 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2013, Lake Buena Vista. 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2013. p. 169.

JORGE, VITOR ; Maciel, Anderson ; Nedel, Luciana ; OLIVEIRA, JACKSON ; FARIA, FREDERICO . What is the effect of interface complexity on risk perception tasks?. In: 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2013, Lake Buena Vista. 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). p. 147.

SARMIENTO, WILSON J. ; JORGE, VITOR ; Maciel, Anderson ; Nedel, Luciana ; COLLAZOS, CESAR A. ; OLIVEIRA, JACKSON ; FARIA, FREDERICO . Awareness of other: Evaluating the impact of proximity cues in collaborative tasks. In: 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 2013, Lake Buena Vista. 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). p. 63.

REUS, V. ; MELLO, M. ; Nedel, Luciana ; MACIEL, A. . Correcting User s Head and Body Orientation Using a Comfort Pose Function. In: Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2013, Cuiabá. Proceedings of the XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. Washington: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. p. 167-174.

JORGE, V. A. M. ; SARMIENTO, W. J. ; MACIEL, A. ; Nedel, Luciana ; COLLAZOS, C. A. ; FARIA, F. ; OLIVEIRA, J. . Interacting with Danger in an Immersive Environment: Issues on Cognitive Load and Risk Perception. In: Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2013, Singapore. Proceedings of VRST, 2013.

OLIVEIRA, V. A. J. ; MACIEL, A. . Using vibrotactile communication to assist orientation and locomotion. In: SIBGRAPI WIP, 2012, Ouro Preto. Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP) in SIBGRAPI 2012 (XXV Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images). Porto Alegre: SBC, 2012. p. 47-48.

JORGE, V. A. M. ; Hoppe, A. ; MACIEL, A. ; Nedel, Luciana P. ; Gelson C. Reinaldo ; FARIA, F. ; OLIVEIRA, J. ; MONTANI, P. . Development of an Immersive VR Simulator Using the Unreal Development Kit. In: Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2012, Niterói. Proceedings of the XIV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality SVR. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2012. p. 1-4.

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This project is funded by AES Sul through ANEEL. Also supported by CNPq-Brazil scholarships.

It has also the support of Fapergs.


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The CGIP group is part of the Department of Applied Infotmatics.
Last updated in Oct 31st, 2013.