
"Virtual Surgery Simulators (in Portuguese).
Dec 1, 2018.

Radio Globo news with Prof. Anderson Maciel interview.

Audio Interview

"VR is used by apprentice surgeons to improve treatment (in Portuguese).
Sep 22, 2018.

Radio Gaúcha interview with Prof. Anderson Maciel.

Audio Interview

"VR for patient specific surgery simulation (in Portuguese).
Feb 14, 2018.

TVE-RS interview with Prof. Anderson Maciel.

Video Interview

"VR and AR in health applications (in Portuguese).
Feb 12, 2018.

BAND NEW FM radio interview with Prof. Anderson Maciel.

Audio Interview

"VR and AR in the near future (in Portuguese).
Nov 25, 2017.

Radio interview with Prof. Anderson Maciel.

Audio Interview

TEDx Talk by our collaborator Prof. Leandro Totti Cavazzola MD
Aug 9, 2017.

We are mentioned at the min: 3:13.


Touch the screen and feel it!
T-Pad application in Scientific American. Sep, 2015.

Our interface won the third place in the World Haptics Student Application Challenge.


Mullenbach, J. In IEEE ToH. Student Innovation Challenge at the World Haptics Conference 2015: Teams Create Haptic Apps for the TPad Phone

Video Challenge

Surgery simulation with force feedback
Video from Reuters.

I worked in the early stages of this project as a post-doc with Prof. Suvranu De at RPI.

Related papers:

[bib] [pdf] [doi] MACIEL, A.; HALIC, T.; LU, Z.; NEDEL, L. P.; DE, S. Using the PhysX engine for Physics-based Virtual Surgery with Force Feedback. In International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 5,  no. 3,  pp. 341-353, September,  2009. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[bib] [pdf] [doi] MACIEL, A.; LIU, Y.; AHN, W.; SINGH, T. P.; DUNNICAN, W.; DE, S. Development of the VBLaST(TM): A Virtual Basic Laparoscopic Skill Trainer. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 4,  no. 2,  pp. 131-138,  June,  2008. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[bib] [pdf] MACIEL, A.; LIU, Y; AHN, W; SINGH, T. P.; DUNNICAN, W.; DE, S. Towards a Virtual Basic Laparoscopic Skill Trainer (VBLaST). In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics: Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16 - parallel, combinatorial, convergent: NextMed by Design. 2008; 132: 275-280. Westwood, J.D., et al. (eds.). IOS Press, Amsterdam (2008).
[bib] [pdf] [doi] MACIEL, A.; DE, S. A New Line-based Algorithm for Real Time Haptic Interactions with Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Haptic interfaces For Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (Haptics'08). (March 13 - 14, 2008). HAPTICS'08. p. 217-223. IEEE Computer Society, Reno, NV.



Holografia é a tecnologia do futuro, mas não o futuro do 3D
Mar, 2011 (in Portuguese).

Interview to Emily Canto Nunes (Portal Terra).
