
Robô autônomo JACI para desinfecção por meio de luzes Ultravioleta e Ozônio

JACI está sendo proposto como uma potente ferramenta de combate à COVID-19, já que o uso de luzes UV-C inibem a proliferação de vírus e germes. Ainda não é conhecida nenhuma solução que utilize ozônio juntamente com as lâmpadas UV-C para desinfecção nem a nível nacional nem a nível mundial...

Humanitarian R&A Technologies Challanges

Members of our group integrate the IEEE RAS SIGHT and are one of the organizers of Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge (HRATC) held at ICRA. Our first challenge will take place at ICRA 2014. It aims to promote the development of new strategies for autonomous landmine detection. For more...

Environment structure information-oriented efficient exploratory navigation

In this project, we aim to investigate how path planning based on boundary value problems (BVP) can be used to allow a mobile robot to efficiently explore an unknown environments. We consider the robot can extract meaninful features from the environment using its range finder sensor and associate them to...

Global localization of underwater robots using a hybrid approach based on probabilistic and interval techniques

The global localization problem is often addressed in robotics. In this project we proposed a new method to solve the problem of global localization in underwater environments. Our approach is based on probabilistic and interval techniques, resulting in a hybrid method. The probabilistic approach provides an efficient solution to localization...

An IEEE Standard Ontology for Robotics and Automation

The purpose of the standard is to provide an overall ontology and associated methodology for knowledge representation and reasoning in robotics and automation, together with the representation of concepts in an initial set of application domains. The standard provides a unified way of representing knowledge and provides a common set...


There is a consensus among the Roboticists that robots will co-exist with humans. Most of the robots are being developed to improve human life. However a question that appears naturally is : are there any collateral effect not foreseen yet? We know children need human interaction during their early age...

UAV for Humanitarian Tasks

In this project, we investigate the use of UAV for monitoring and controlling critical situations, like, landslide, search and rescue people, and so on. This project is being developed in collaboration with IEEE RAS SIGHT...

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